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Northeast Sailing Association 



The Northeast Sailing Association got its start in the late 1940’s as the Maine Yacht Racing Association.  It is now one of 37 Sailing Associations in the United States serving sailors in many ways within its geographic area.


We promote and support sailing and racing; run the US Sailing Championship races on the local level; provide a forum for appeals of decisions of local race committees; and present seminars of interest to all members on subjects relevant to the sport.


The Northeast Sailing Association (NSA) is your local arm of US Sailing.  The US Sailing Association (USSA) is the national body that coordinates and supports Junior and Senior sailing and racing events throughout the country.  USSA is divided geographically into 10 Areas (Area A to Area J).  NSA is in Area A.  Each Area is then divided into Associations.  Area A contains the following Associations: NSA, Massachusetts Bay Sailing Association, Southern Massachusetts Sailing Association and Narragansett Bay Sailing Association.  NSA is further divided into 4 regions (primarily because it encompasses such a large geographic area):  Western (VT & NH), Southern (from UNH to Small Point), Central (from Boothbay Harbor to Northport) and Eastern (from Castine to Sorrento).  Most of the Yacht Clubs and Organized Sailing Programs in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Northern Lake George are members of NSA.

USSA sponsors “ladder events” that begin at the local level and lead up to national level competition.  There are two groups of these events,  Junior and Adult.  NSA finds member clubs to host the local levels of these events and supports them in the actual running of the event.