Vermont Fish and Wildlife passed new regulations on Perch and Crappie fishing in 1997. The new rules went into effect November 1, 1997. The new law is 10 VSA App. #122. According to Chief Warden, Lt. Robert J. Rooks, the department started out in early 1998 with warnings and also a checks on buyer compliance. This resulted in warning three buyers for violations.
During the 1998 season about 12 individuals were charged with violating the perch limits. Rooks says that he continues to get complaints from fisherman about limit violations. Violators will continue to be charged and it can become very costly, especially if the limits are exceeded in great numbers. In additions to the fine, $5.00 per fish is imposed as restitution. Some tickets have exceeded $500.00.
On Lake Champlain the daily limit of perch is 75 fish or 30 pounds, whichever is greater. Perch to be weighed shall not be skinned, dressed, filleted, gutted or beheaded. If perch are to be cleaned for consumption on the ice or on the water, the numerical daily limit of 75 shall apply. For other Vermont waters the daily limit is 50 fish or 20 pounds, whichever is greater. Possession limits are double the daily limits. For crappie (black and white combined) the daily limit is 25 crappie; possession limit of 50. The minimum length limit is 8 inches.
Permits that allow possession of quantities above the normal possession limit are available for those in the business of buying and selling sport caught yellow perch and crappie.