“Stewards of the Land: Farming for Water Quality in the Champlain Basin” is an exciting opportunity for educators of grades 4-8 in New York, Vermont, and Quebec to learn more about Lake Champlain. This workshop, sponsored by the Champlain Basin Educators Initiative (CBEI), will be held on April 30 from 8:30 to 15:30 at Shelburne Farms. Educators will spend the day learning about water quality issues and what farmers in particular are doing to address them on their farms. Farmers, researchers, conservationists, representatives from Foodworks and PROJECT WET facilitators will be on hand.
The fee is $15.00 for the workshop, which includes copies of This Lake A1ive! An Interdisciplinary Handbook for Teaching and Learning About the Lake Champlain Basin by Amy Demarest and Project Wet. To register for this workshop, please call the Lake Champlain Basin Program at (802) 655-6382 or (800) 468-5227 (NY and VT).