An application has been received by the VT Department of Environmental Conservation from the City of Burlington for a permit to construct a public fishing pier fixed on piles, in the Burlington Harbor.
The proposed fish pier will extend off shore approximately 200 feet. The fist 50 feet of pier will be 8 feet wide. From 50 to 100 feet, the pier will widen to 22 feet. From 100 to 150 feet, the pier will decrease to 16 feet. From 150 to 200 feet, the pier will again be 22 feet wide. Timber deck extensions will be installed at the end of the pier. Timber deck will extender 4 feet from the end and both side to form an octagon at the end of the pier. the pier will also include 12 benches, 3 trash receptacles and 4 light fixtures. The light fixtures will project the light downwards towards the pier.
The pier will be constructed with a concrete deck consisting of precast double tee beams spanning 50 feet. these deck beams will be supported by 4 bents that consist of 5 steel pipe piles with a concrete cap. Total number of piles will be 20. Concrete pile cap will extend 4 feet below the ordinary high water level. The inshore end of the pier will be supported by a concrete abutment located inshore of the existing steel sheet pile bulkhead. No load will be transferred to the bulkhead. The design of the structure is for pedestrian loading and has taken into account ice floe, thermal expansion of ice as well as wave action
The project will provide year around public facility & will have a nominal if any adverse affect on water quality, fish & wildlife habitat, aquatic and shoreline vegetation and navigation.
This site is not currently used for recreational swimming, however it is a favorite spot for local fisherman. This facility is designed to promote and enhance public fishing. The locations seems to be ideal: due to the fact it already has good public access to the site and is a know fishing area.
As an aid in determining the impact of the proposed project on the public good and if the proposed project complies with the public trust doctrine, comments from potentially interested persons are being requested. Any comments or requests for a public information meeting regarding this project should be prepared in writing and mailed to reach the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Quality Division prior to July 8, 1999; otherwise it will be presumed that there are no comments or objections. The Department will hold a public information meeting upon request form a municipality or 25 persons in interest.
Agency of Natural Resources
Department of Environmental Conservation
Water Quality Division
130 South Main Street
Building 10 North
Waterbury, VT 05671-0408