Greetings from the 2000 U.S. Sailing Adams Trophy event!

full results

What is the Adams Cup 

Our team form the Lake Champlain Sailing Center:
Heather Rowe
Ann Brush
Kate Brush
Tammy Ouelette

Day One

As has been the case for over 75 years, the event has drawn the country’s best women sailors. This year’s event is being graciously hosted by San Diego Yacht Club. Etchells on loan from the local fleet are being sailed with crews consisting of four women. A total of 11 races over a 4-day period are planned.

The event opened on Tuesday evening with a “go fast” technique clinic. During a two hour talk, recently crowned Etchells World Champion, Vince Brun, gave away all of his trade secrets and local sailing knowledge. Rolex watches sponsored the clinic.

Racing commenced on Wednesday under sunny skies, light winds, and rolling seas. Following approximately a one-hour tow to the racing area off of Coronado Beach, the race committee successfully accomplished a three race series following a practice start and race. Members of the local Etchells fleet were on the water to provide further “tips and tricks” to sailors new the highly adjustable Etchells boat.

The results of the first three races are as follows:

Race 1 –
Windward/leeward twice around Very light, first shift was a big lefty – overall wind range was 190 to 230 Race was won by Anne Moody from Area B – Seawanaka (Long Island)

Race 2 —
Windward/leeward twice around Pressure improved slightly, but still light, first shift was a big right shift Race was won by Heather Rowe from Area A – Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center

Race 3 –
Windward/leeward/finish to windward Pressure was very light Race was won by Natalie Pryde – Area H – Seattle

Results after the first day of racing show very close competition, with only 7 points separating places one through seven. At the conclusion of day one the top four places are as follows:

1. Anne Mooney, Area B
2. Mary Brigden-Snow, Area J
3. Amy Cermak, Area K
4. Tie Heather Rowe, Area &  A Stephanie Wondolleck, Area G

Faces on the dock following the first day of racing were well tanned and , in some cases, quite red after a long on the water. All had smiles and everyone is looking forward to three more days of great racing!