Lake Champlain Basin Program Awards New Public Access Projects in Shoreline Communities

The Lake Champlain Basin Program is pleased to announce that $20,000 has been awarded to eight new projects which will enhance public access to Lake Champlain in Vermont and New York. Public access projects include both water and non-water recreational enhancements at any of the following types of public access sites: boat launch areas, shoreline parks, marinas, beaches, camp grounds, scenic overlooks, fishing piers, and shoreline parks, and bicycle trails. To enhance access to the Lake, eligible projects include those on the Lake itself and on tributaries up until a natural or human-made barrier (waterfall, dam, etc.).

Lake Champlain Basin Program Public Access Award Recipients – 1999:

(1) Mount Defiance Picnic and Observation Shelter

Sponsor: Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, NY, $ 1,000
Project Description Fort Ticonderoga will utilize funds to help construct a picnic and observation shelter on top of Mount Defiance. Eight picnic tables and refuse and recycling barrels will be placed inside the shelter. In addition, the site will include interpretive signs developed last year with support from the Lake Champlain Partnership Program. The signs will describe the strategic significance of the site and its relationship to the Fort, the lake and the surrounding landscape.

(2) Isle La Motte Scenic Outlook
Sponsor: Town of Isle La Motte, VT, $ 1,800
Project Description The Town of Isle La Motte will develop a scenic outlook on the western shoreline of the Island. Funds will be used to clear fallen limbs and trim trees to reveal a view; prepare ground to lay a walk-way of crushed stone from the road to the outlook; erect a handrail along the walkway; install a picnic table; and erect a traffic barrier and sign.

(3) Cooke’s Island Recreation/Arts Center Development
Sponsor: Arts and Recreation commission of Whitehall, NY, $ 3,600
Project Description: The Arts and Recreation Commission of Whitehall will utilize funds to perform phase one in establishing a recreation/arts facility in a 3000 sq. ft. pre-1900s historic structure. The facility will include an information center, nature park and environmental and historic education center. Funds will be utilized to clean up and survey the property.

(4) Intervale Road River Access
Sponsor: Intervale Foundation, Burlington, VT, $ 2,100
Project Description: As part of the coordinated effort to expand the recreational opportunities in the largest natural area in Burlington, the Intervale Foundation will locate a canoe and kayak launch area along the Winooski River. Improvements will include road and parking lot upgrades, development of a 280′ trail and construction of a launch area.

(5) Port Douglas Beach and Picnic Enhancement
Sponsor: Town of Chesterfield, NY, $ 2,600
Project Description: The Town of Chesterfield will renovate the Port Douglas Beach and Picnic Area restrooms for accessibility by persons with disabilities. Doorways will be enlarged and proper handles, grab bars and toilet ramps will be installed.

(6) Georgia Recreation Area Boat Launch Enhancement
Sponsor: Town of Georgia, VT, $ 4,200
Project Description: The Town of Georgia will utilize funds to replace an old dock with a new and improved 40′ dock on wheels at the Town boat launch. The Town will also replace two stairways and perform erosion control at the site using additional funds.

(7) West Haven Public Access Improvements
Sponsor: Town of West Haven, VT, $ 2,700
Project Description: The Town of West Haven will create a new public access site at an unimproved strip of land along the lake. The Nature Conservancy recently donated the land to the Town for this purpose. Site work will include grading, creation of a small gravel parking area, and installation of two gates and a floating dock.

(8) Adaptive Water Sports Program Improvements

Sponsor: Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center and Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports, Burlington, VT, $ 2,3000
Project Description: LCCSC and VASS have teamed up to provide adaptive water sports program for the disabled at a heavily used facility on the waterfront in Burlington. The team will utilize funds to create barrier-free access by improving an existing dock and installing a classroom ramp.