There have been several changes to navigational aids on the lake. Make sure to mark these changes on your chart!

Changes to Aids in Navigation on Lake Champlain
June 17, 1999

CUMBERLAND HEAD TO FOUR BROTHERS ISLAND – LAKE CHAMPLAIN – Bridge Regulation Change – The Coast Guard has changed theoperating regulations for the US2 Bridge, mile 91.8, between South Hero Island and North Hero Island over Lake Champlain in Vermont. The change is beingmade to relieve vehicular traffic congestion due to frequent bridge openings during the boating season. The draw of the US2 Bridge, mile 91.8, over LakeChamplain, between South Hero Island and North Hero Island, shall open on signal on the hour and the half hour from May 15 th through October 15 th from 6a.m. to 8 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. if at least four hours notice is given. The draw shall open on signal from October 16th through May 14 th if at least fourhours notice is given by calling the number posted at the bridge. The effective date is June 24, 1999.
Chart 14782 LNM 24/99 (CGD1)

Change Colchester Shoal Buoy 35 (LLNR 39565) to Colchester Shoal Lighted Buoy 35 (LLNR 39565), green, Fl G 2.5s, Nominal Range 4NM.
Chart(s) LNM 14/99 (CGD1).

Change Crane Point Buoy 55 (LLNR 39845) to Crane Point Lighted Buoy 35 (LLNR 39845), Green, Fl G 4s, Nominal Range 3NM; Replaced by can from Dec. 1 to May 1.
Chart(s): 14783. LNM 16/99 (CGD1)

Change14783 18th ed., 11/30/93 LAST LNM 26/96 NAD 83 17/99
Relocate Bouquet River Buoy 50 from (44°21’16.7″N, 73°20’43.3″W) to 44°21’19.8″N 073°20’41.5″W

Change Main Passage, Colchester Shoal Buoy 35 to a lighted buoy (green). (at northwest end of shoal)